The Martial Horse

The Home of Military Horsemanship

“Everything begins and ends with Horsemanship”

The Martial Horse welcomes all who have an interest in exploring the world of military horsemanship from those with and idle curiosity to those who reach the highest levels of equine partnership.

The Martial Horse is first and foremost a philosophy of partnership.

A philosophy of developing a horse and rider mentally and physically for partnership, to work as a team, to be able to dance with one another to the music of life.


To honor the horse and those who have gone before us, maintain martial equestrian skills of the ages, and apply them today.


To develop horses with mental and physical fortitude.

To help horses develop the courage to face not only their fears but those of their rider.

To develop riders who can be true partners to a horse.

To carry on and expand upon the traditions and knowledge of the military seat.

The history of the horse and man is the modern history of mankind itself and the history of war. Without the horse, man would never have achieved. Without man, the horse, like so many large animals would be gone or nearly so.

Millennia have been spent in developing horse and human relationships. The methods used to develop these relationships have progressed over the centuries. Ideas forgotten are learned again. Methods once thought the bulwark of training give way to those that reemerge with nuances that improve. Like pieces to a puzzle we find a piece that fits and then renew the search for the next.

Welcome to The Martial Horse.  An all volunteer organization dedicated to promoting, educating and competing with the military horse and those who love them.

Join us for an upcoming event.  Whether you're interested in being a spectator, volunteer, competitor or just want to learn how to do more with your horse for fun.  There is a place for all from the beginner to the seasoned veteran.

The Martial Horse is the only place to feature a variety martial (military) equestrian events including clinics, trainings, drill, and competitions for law enforcement, cavalry, and jousting. 

Rider and horse teams that chose to compete will have cumulative point totals and are eligible to compete for the coveted: 

E. g. Charles “Chuck” Grant

